"Natural and intuitive"...The Internet is a powerful way for individuals to access information in a manner that facilitates the specific learning process that is best for them;
Is the content and level of detail appropriate for the targeted audience? Do the students know where they have been, what have they have learned, where they have visited, and what resources need to be explored on the web site?
Concept mapping addresses concerns about presenting material at the right level of detail; Are the users given the right amount of information, or is there "information overkill" or, at the other extreme, an over-simplicity in what is offered?
Multimedia interpretations and presentations using the navigation theme could be built according to any of the Hedberg and Harper approaches (Hedberg, J. G., & Harper, B. 1992;"Creating interface metaphors for interactive multimedia"; Proceedings of the International Interactive Multimedia Symposium, Perth, WA, January 27-31, 1992, pp 219-226.)
Navigation metaphor types:
guide (for visual travel through an information 'landscape');
sequential navigation (where cues about where information was located would be made available);
or a visual navigation that would provide a plan of the possible paths through the information landscape;
or a hybrid metaphor that would combine appropriate component parts of all three.
"How to" (not product specific) Examples What is an online auction - eBay (E-commerce application)
Convert every "How To" book into an online course (using eLearning Maps)