Take a quick tour; of the ways to apply maps within a single site or across the whole internet.
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http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/web_sites.html http://www.nasdaq.com/sitemap/2.stm http://www.inspiration.com/theory.html Http://www.eduplace.com/hmco/school/geo/indexhi.html http://www.wisdomnetworks.com/sitemap/sitemap.asp http://www.etour.com/tour.htm http://www.logicorp.ca/level1/sitemap.html
Image mapping software applications;DreamWeaver
eLearning Example
"Ground under repair":
Image maps are an important feature of the point-and-click interface that makes the World Wide Web so popular. The most common use of image maps is to allow users to access different documents by clicking on different areas in an image.
Here is image mapped namvigation applied to a streetscape;
Click on
the store you want to visit
![]() |
http://www.teacheru.com Why wouldn't they have been as innovative with their site map as they were with the menu system that they use on their openning page?
http://www.nasdaq.com/sitemap/2.stm A nice example of image mapping over a typical page you will see on their website.
http://www.ausgang.com/ausgang.html , a u s g a n g, Interface using image mapping
http://www.hbeark.com, HBE Internet, (Image mapping example using logos) I
Http://www.etour.com/friends.asp?siteid=2062 (Click and drag)http://prominence.com/java/poetry/, I
Sample image map (Ivid.com) uses framesets (?) seperate gifs spliced together, rather than hot spots over a single image. This enables special roll-over effects to work. Following is only one sliver of the whole;
Until recently, sitemaps were hand-drawn or script-drawn tree diagrams. Now browsers that support eXtensible markup language (XML) offer more elaborate sitemaps as a special feature. The newer sitemaps provide a hierarchical description of a site, written in the resource description framework (RDF), an XML application still being developed as a standard by the World Wide Web Consortium. For example, Netscape's Mozilla finds RDF sitemaps by looking for (LINK rel=sitemap) tags in your Web pages. This tag tells Mozilla to open the sitemap and then render the site diagram as part of the graphical display of the user agent. While sitemaps themselves may not be the niftiest things in the world, they do occupy a noteworthy position on the Web's timeline as one of the first implementations of RDF.
http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/web_sites.html , An Atlas of Cyberspaces - Web Site Maps, M
http://www.wisdomnetworks.com/sitemap/sitemap.asp A great example of site navigation presented in a very effective graphical format
http://www.tourismcalgary.com/search.html Map of a website using a base map of the content (City of Calgary and area)
http://www.infind.com/infind/infind.exe?query=site+map&x=34&y=8 , Inference Find! -- Server 45, I
Inc. provides eContent
Management Solutions that allow companies to deliver, and visitors to
find, relevant information over the web.
http://corp.aol.com/sitemap.html , AOL Corporate, M
http://cbs.marketwatch.com/news/site_map.htx?source=blq/go , CBS.MarketWatch.com - CBS MarketWatch Site Map, I
http://www.spinoffcentre.com/sitemap.html , spinoffcentre.com, I
http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mrksv/cipo/sitemap/site_map-e.html#a , Canadian Intellectual Property Office - Site Map, I
Note the similarities between an "Information Map" and a traditional resource map / legend;
(Credit http://www.antarcti.ca/) and (Credit http://www.maptricks.com /
Information Mapping is a method of written communication that presents information
in a clear, easy-to-read and easy-to-access way. The method is based on
research into
how the brain processes, remembers and retrieves information
how information can be best categorized and presented.
Information Mapping provides a set of principles, tasks and tools which
offer a structured way to analyze, organize, develop and present text-based
communication on screen and on paper.
Performance Benefits
Taught in Seminars
Building a Document
Bottom-line Results
Unlike conventional writing, Information Mapping is reader-based rather
than writer-based. Information Mapping
emphasizes how the reader uses information rather than the writer's personal
expression, and
creates documents intended to be used - quickly scanned for relevant information
- not read from beginning to end.
Writers and readers benefit equally from Information Mapping.
Writers are helped because they have a proven, effective way to
complete a thorough analysis of content
manage questions of complexity and appropriateness of subject matter for
readers, and
sequence and format information in a natural way.
Readers are helped because
all of the relevant subject matter is present
there is a logical and visible organization to facilitate scanning, and
relevant information can be easily retrieved.
Performance Benefits of Information Mapping:
writer productivity by 50% | reading time by 10%-50% |
reader productivity by 50% | training time by 30%-40% |
use of documents by 38% | first draft development time by 83% |
accuracy of retrieval by 32% | performance error rates by 54% |
improved learning by 10%-50% | questions to supervisors by 70% |
clarity of writing by 66% | number of words in documents by 57% |
http://www.cartia.com/ , Cartia Inc., M
http://mappa.mundi.net/trip-m/hearst/ , Mining in Textual Mountains an Interview with Marti Hearst - Trip-M 005 pg 1/3 - Mappa.Mundi Magazine, M
http://mappa.mundi.net/map/ , Mappa.Mundi Magazine - Site Map, M
http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&kl=XX&q=Hedberg+and+Harper+report , AltaVista - Web Results, M
http://www.telegeography.com/ , TeleGeography Home Page, M
http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/~ches/map/ , Internet Mapping Project, M
http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/info_maps.html , An Atlas of Cyberspaces - Information Space Maps, M
http://www.iko.unit.no/gis/gisen.html , GIS / Cartography starting points, M
http://oddens.geog.uu.nl/index.html , Oddens bookmarks, I
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/Map_collection.html Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
http://webmail.netscape.com/tpl/Info/Popup?hidden___url=http://www.mercatormag.com/site_map.html , Info Popup, I
http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/ , An Atlas of Cyberspaces, M
http://www.telegeography.com/Resources/md_f1.htm , A Cybermap Atlas: Envisioning the Internet, M
Census Data & Maps, New WebMaps, New Free Data, New Data Sources, New Products, Featured Books, Featured Websites, Featured Environmental Justice, Conferences & Calls for Papers, Our Work, Project Wishlist
http://www.go.com/WebDir/Education/Reference/Maps , GO Network:Maps, M
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/Map_collection.html , PCL Map Collection, M
http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/map/mapres.html , Cartography Resources, M
http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/~ches/index.html , Bill Cheswick's Home Page, M
http://www.umr.edu/~explore/physio/maps/main.html , Guided Exploration: Main Map, M
http://www.worldbestwebsites.com/mind.htm Here are some of the best mind, brain, artificial intelligence & psychology links.
http://www.mindman.co.uk/knowledge-management/knowledge-management.html , UK MindManager Infocentre, M
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~caveman/Creative/Mindmap/index.html , Introduction to Mind Maps, M
http://www.inspiration.com/ , Inspiration: visual thinking and learning software, M
the map go to http://faculty.washington.edu/dillon/homdex.html
http://www.101compellingtext.com/outlines_and_sitemaps.htm Sitemaps are used exclusively on the internet, and will hopefully replace outlines for the general public. By developing a sitemap, you provide yourself with a great tool to help you organize your website. Your readers benefit by using it to navigate through your site if they are looking for something in particular, or if they get lost. Unless you really love doing formal outlines, don't use them, use sitemaps.
http://www.mindmanager.com/ , MindManager - The Ultimate Organization Tool, M
http://www.eMindMaps.com/ , eMindMaps - The Official Mind Mapping Software, M
http://www.buzancentre.com/learn.html , Team and Organizational Learning Workshops and Seminars, M
http://www.buzancentre.com/ , Buzan Center of the Great Lakes: Performance Improvement Consulting and Training, M
ftp://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/FAQ.html the field of neural networks
http://www.infoarch.ai.mit.edu/ , Information Architecture, I
http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/map/mapdef.html , What are Maps?, M
http://www.Viewzone.com, Viewzone.Com, I
Http://www.eduplace.com/hmco/school/geo/indexhi.html , GeoNet Game Introduction, I
http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis/#index , Human Genome Project Information, I
http://www.dalmatia.net/lupic/toronto/index.htm , "Jack's ""Toronto Links""", I
Recreation Compass, a dynamic map interface for locating information about Minnesota's recreation areas, State Park, SNA, canoe route, lake and river information.
http://www.worldwalkfoundation.com/journal.html , Polly's Journal, M
http://www.training2000.com/wconnect/wc.dll?tp2k~ssummary~1030 , TRAINING/PRESENTATIONS - Schedule Overview, M
http://rinkworks.com/brainfood , Brain Food, Puzzles I
http://www.harmonics.com/lucy/lsd/sobel.html , LONGITUDE - The True Story of a Lone Genius, I
http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/texts/vannevar.bush.html , "Vannevar Bush ""As We May Think"" (1945)", R
http://www.artrans.com/rmsg/trans/mapsmap.htm Maps & Map Reading