Ron Wild's Project Gallery*


* NOTE: not all of these client examples are still in use- but they are all original art works by Ron Wild to illustrate the talent and quality of the work which can be accomplished. Contact: map art by


My approach to online applications involves a screenshot "base map" over- layed with eLearning features and functionality. This allows the learner to stay in the same frame mind whether using or learning about the application.

Here is a modest prototype based on a chat service for synchronous eLearning.

This interactive map provides navigation to the major initiatives supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation;

Here is a true Knowledge Management application of my mapping and navigation technologies. Imagine trying to "map" all the great ideas ever written by man (ever). I've mapped one of the Great Ideas through to original source documents on the web...

Navigate the Great Map from Happingess to Wisdom to Kant to Fundamental Principles

A montage of images from this auto club site illustrates the variety of services available to is members. The key word icons provide direct navigationm access to the corresponding page of more detailed information;

Since maps are highway maps are an integral part of any AAA operation, why not have a web "site map" to help people navigate to the information of interest to them?

This true "sitemap" done for part of the Autodesk site demonstrates the effectiveness of this visual navigational approach;


Wouldn't it make alot of sense to "map" out the benefits of the approach that I take to net navigation and knowledge management?...

This is a process map for an eBusiness application;

This is an interactive mindmap of an eLearning site that provides efficient navigation to the the content contained. (click map to access)


Using a beta version of search engine, I found the best use of visual sitemapping on the internet. Here are 25 of the best concepts in use today;

I am trying to use mapping technology to provide another way to view these graphical sitemaps.

  • Here is one of my main current initiatives. I'm developing content specifically dedicated to internet navigation, for a single site (see sitemaps), or across the whole net. I apply the philosophy that the content itself provides the best navigation . If you know anything about mind-mapping, you'll be able to see what I'm doing.

I developed

  • In addition to assimilating new knowledge, we can develop practical skills (like how to use a new software program); Here is the best way to learn Dreamweave online; shows how tool boxes on a computer screen can be treated like islands with links to valuable eLearning content. Again explore the menues this program uses by mousing-over, clicking, etc..

Every on-line software application can be fitted with several "skins" that appeal to different users. Here is one that fronts an online request for quotation system. Note that all the content and functionality is maintained by the original software developer.

This is where we feature the interactive map I develop for your website. ; )









email me your URL

Notice the icons and opaque images used to convey information in the map background;

To map out a "universe of eLearning opportunities", I used a solar system metaphor;

  • If you are confused do you like to group together the "islands of Information"? These "topical" islands are one of the best ways to organize information. When presented in a visual manner we can see helpful associations and relationships (forget about useless alphabetical indexes and directories!).

If you are confused (in a new head "space"?), do you like to group is an example of the islands of information approach to information mapping. See how I used it to categorize eLearning products and vendors.

  • eLearning

I continue to be focused on the use of the internet for learning and training purposes.


  • If you get lost in the "Silicon Valley" of computer problems, isn't it nice to have a helpful map that shows possible paths to your solution destination? It's easy to get lost in these complex net technologies, so its nice to know that helpful maps are available. I'm one of the people developing them;

I drew the map at over the US westcoast (i.e.; Silicon Valley). It maps out a handful of directions you can go to get computer help when you are lost (but watch out for those 3 mischievous "smiley" buttons). This is the first learning map I built. I'm much better at it now ; )

  • Its even possible to "web-enable" those brilliant "" ideas that you sketched out on the back of an envelop; Look what we can do with a handwritten "mindmap".; (let your mouse run down some of the branches). Then we can push back, look out the window and wonder what "the street" would think about these navigational discovery learning approaches.


  • When financial guys talk about "the street", what do they see when they look out the window?...and who really cares : ) More importantly what kind of valuable information can we add to that typical view?....

I developed to introduce the concept of image mapping over familiar realworld views and images. It's much like adding logo signs to the tops of downtown buildings, except my graphics provide a window into treasure troves of valuable information available across the net.

  • Sometimes a visual approach will help you "get the picture" (and save alot of reading time). Even these company names and logos (and their corresponding websites) can describe my philosophy better than pages of words ever could...





  • When I say that I have mapped out a business plan... I mean it..



Applications for which these methods have been successfully used include:


• product /service demo development ("Learn More"s)
• online training systems
• learning maps

• web site reference maps

• online help reference materials

• Site tours and user guides.

• data mining maps (regulatory, compliance documentation,policy and procedure manuals, training manuals, proposals, reports





i have tried to include a good cross section of the sites we have designed - not all of them though, or you will be here all day - but enough of them for you to see the types of sites we can design and create for you.

Portfolio - Web Site Examples

Please feel free to click on each example to visit the actual website in action.

Also, remember that some of these designs are now getting old and the customer may have upgraded the design since we implimented it - clicking on the thumbnail image will being up a full size image of the site design for you to look more closely at.

We take the time to work with each client to get the look they are looking for, frequently turning to our graphics design team for expert advice and quality just for the general 'look and feel' of a site. Sometimes, the customer knows exactly what they want, and we work with them to see the project through their eyes.

Other times, the customer will surf around the internet, and find a few sites they really like the look of, or see just a single characteristic they want in their own site, and we take a look at those sites, and create the website of their dreams.

You know, its worth noting that we have yet to have a customer who was not 100% satisfied with their finished web site.

Anyway, enough of that, take a look around, and see if anything catches your eye.


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Title Iceland
Author Nick Burchell
Products MAPublisher for Macromedia FreeHand
Date 4/27/01

The Kyoto Protocol & Greenhouse Gases
Author Hugo Ahlenius
Products ArcIMS
Date 4/27/01

Title Quebec National Capital Agglomeration: Five years of Accomplishment
Author Korem Inc.
Products MapInfo Professional, Vertical Mapper, MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator
Date 2/5/01

Title Northern Quebec - Nunavik - James Bay
Author Korem Inc.
Products MapInfo Professional, Vertical Mapper, MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator
Date 2/5/01

Title Quebec - Chaudière-Appalaches
Author Korem Inc.
Products MapInfo Professional, Vertical Mapper, MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator
Date 2/5/01

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My Other Portfolios :

Right-Brain Characteristic

Web Map Feature User Benefit Examples
Random User always chooses where to go next (and is never trapped) Immediate, intuitive access to any part of the site (or stage of the transaction process)  
Mutliple redundant pathways User is just "two clicks" away from any part of the site  
Holistic Common look and feel "Site map" functions as central home base  
Three dimensional effects Diagram provides site or process overview  
Encourages movement Drill down (and up) capability  
Intuitive Intuitive site navigation Mulitiple view on-screen with live update  
Uses only self-evident icons Allows users to create icons to capture tasks (or mark places) they use often  
Subjective Choices of views User-customized screens with full conrol over fonts, size, content layout (lists, charts, graphics)  
Pages are filled with choices User can select according to preferences  
Aesthetic Artistic (not process) design Enables movement (does not constrain view)  
Pages are journey / experience Colors and graphics selected by artists & designers  
Emotive Colors add information (suit purpose) Multiple feedback on completion of action (color, image, sound)  
Sound and motion are common (along with cues for taste, touch, and smell) Interactive design rather than using screen to contol user  

call me;  (900)870-6235

All these examples are Copyright Ron Wild, and/or the owner of the artwork -

Reproduction in any format is strictly prohibited without express written permission.

All Designs and Coding Copyright (C) 2001 Ron Wild - All Rights Reserved